In the Yoruba land (South-Western part) of Nigeria, if you know how to make pounded yam, it’s a plus.
Pounded is believed to be the king of all meals in that part (and other places) of the country.
When you hear ‘swallow food’, pounded yam is one of such, and many people like swallow foods in Nigeria.
There are people and tribes that can eat swallow food every day. That means, there are people that won’t be bothered if they are served something like pounded yam all year round.
A certain place where you can look forward to having pounded yam is during any occasions and party.
It takes only a few minutes for this swallow to disappear once guest notices its availability.
When people think about how to make pounded yam, it is possible to not want to venture into the preparation.
You have to keep pounding until it becomes smooth. However, technology to remove that stress is final here.
You can now prepare your pounded yam as often as you want through the use of food processors and blender.
Now, let’s look into how to make pounded yam in a seamless and stress-free way..
How To Make Pounded Yam: Method 1 (Blending)

Yam – 1 tuber
How To Make Pounded Yam: Preparation
Please, wash your yam before cutting or doing anything at all so as not to mess up the place.
Once it is washed, cut the yams into big lumps. Peel the skin. Cut into smaller cubes (this helps make preparing it easier.
Wash the peeled yams very well. Pour into a pot wide enough. Pour water into the pot.
Let the water be slightly above the yam. Place pot on fire. Allow it cook for20 minutes (however some yam can be softer depending on the season.
If it is the harvest season, the yams are usually very soft than the planting season. So, this means you have to cook for longer minutes if the yam is a hard one).
The yam is ready once you put a knife through and it is cut easily.
Rinse your blender. Pour some pieces of yam into it, blend a little.
Add some yam again and blend very well until it is smooth. (Please, stay around blender, do not leave it).
Take that one out. Get a bowl and add a little water.
Dip a serving spoon into the water and use it to take the pounded yam out from the blender (this helps prevent the spoon from getting sticky).
You can serve directly on the plate if you’re taking it immediately.
You can put it into a local leaf or plastic nylon and place in a food warmer until you’re ready.
Another thing is it can’t be stored for too long. It can get sour easily.
Ponded yam is a food you should eat the same day you prepare it.
How To Make Pounded Yam: Method 2 (Food Processor).

Prepare the yam using the first method.
Once the yam is ready, pour some into the processor, allow it process a little, add more and allow it process until smooth.
Do the same for the remaining yam.
How To Make Pounded Yam: Method 3 (Mortar and Pestle)
This method was the popular method everyone was using before technology brought about blender and processor.
Some still claim they prefer this method, however, the other methods above will give you what you want.
How To Make Pounded Yam: Preparation
Boil the yam the same way as the first two methods. But save some of the hot water from the yam.
Once yam is ready, make sure your mortar and pestle are clean enough.
You can either pound by sitting down or standing.
Pour yam into the mortar and begin to pound. Use the pestle to crush all the lumps together.
You can use the pestle to shift some lumps to the side and crush it, do the same for the rest.
Then begin to pound everything together.
Make sure you check with your fingers for any lumps.
You can then begin to add water little by little until you achieve the consistency you desire.
Once ready you can also serve using the method as stated in method 1
Once it is done. Serve it using the method as stated in method 1